Gaining the trust of a dragonfly for photograhy

Gaining  trust of dragonfly for photograhy

It has been evident that a photographer has to do many things to get a that perfect quality shot. Same with this below mentioned photograph, the photographer has to gain the trust of dragonfly to get near and make it feels safe and take this beautiful shot.
         The best part is that the dragonfly was not bullied during the shot.
(Kindly don't grasp or bully these beauties for photography.)

Photograph details
    Camera:    Poco f1
     Location:  hyderabad
     Time:        4pm

Photographer word's:
 The idea was to promote healthy photography as opposed to those who touch, scare and capture these magnificent creatures, for photographs. So this was taken by gaining the trust of the dragonfly, and him letting me close enough to capture.

Problem faced by photographer:
The only problem is the sheet amount of wind that was there, that kept irritating the subject.

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