Beat the heat | scene captured

Beat the heat 
Beat the heat
When you don't find other way out of the heat. Then the best way is to beat the heat. Same is with photography, when you won't find the great scene then you can create perfect scenes and Capture them in the photographic frames.
                      The photographer uses the creative mind to take out the talent and get it used in this perfect photograph.

Photograph details:
Camera used:  Redmi 5
Site of photograph: Terrace
Time: 5:30pm

How photographer get the idea
 I just wanted to capture the things which are not easy to capture , I mean which are spontaneous in nature and one of which is water so here it is.

Problem faced by the photographers
 I just took lots of shots and selecting the best was really a task  just took lots of shots and selecting the best was really a task.

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