How empty disposable glass become a source of beauty

Creating your own Beauty

Photography with empty glass

Photograhy with glass

It's not necessary that always you get a beautiful scene in front of you to take a photograph. Sometimes you have to be just one step ahead and create your own beauty.

The above beautiful photographs you see are not created through a designing software or smartphone app they are taken or I should rather say created by a professional minded mobile photographer.

Photography details:

Mobile camera used:  redmi 5 
Site:  on  terrace 
Time:  approximately 5:30pm, 

What photographer say about it:
"It suddenly came in my mind when I was looking at the empty disposable glass, there were water drops in it so I thought why not capture beauty out of it"

Problem faced during photograhy:
"There were not any difficulty specifically, but it was really too hot at that day."

Connect with photographer on : Instagram


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